Dinosaur Game - Using C Programming Language

"Dinosaur Game" is a simple game where green-bar has to jump so that it do not collide with the red-bars (obstacles). The idea of creating this game arose when I was surfing over the internet and suddenly it went down. I have tried to use simple logic used in "T-Rex Run". However, this project is just an simple idea for beginners who want to create a game. Here, user has to press 'space' key to make the green-bar jump. If the green-bar collides with the red-bars, the game gets terminated.  The interesting part of this game is that, the two obstacles are reused over-and-over to reduce the size of the project. 


How to download source code?

  • Click here for source code.
  • New window will open where there is a source code of this project. 
  • 'Dinosaur' folder contains the source code for Dev C++ compiler, whereas another source code is for Turbo C++ compiler. 
  • Remember to run this project on both Dev C++ and Turbo C++ compilers. 


Demo of the game

Check out the following video for the demo of this project.

For more source code and tutorial, 
SUBSCRBE to my YouTube channel. 

Development platform

Computer programming language has been used to develop this project.



Both Dev C++ and Turbo C++ has been used as compiler whose versions are 5.11 and 4.9.11 respectively.


Header files used

The header files used in this project are as follows :

  1. Conio
  2. Graphics
  3. Stdio


Library functions

The following library functions has been used :

  1. Under conio header file
    1. Clrscr
    2. Getch
  2. Under graphics header file
    1. Initgraph
    2. Bar
    3. Closegraph
    4. Floodfill
    5. Line
    6. Setfillstyle
    7. Setlinestyle
  3. Under stdio header file
    1. Kbhit
    2. Isspace

Concepts used

Topics/ concepts of this language that you need to know for making this type of game :

  1. For looping statement
  2. If else conditional statement
  3. Graphics


Logic description

The x-coordinate of the green-bar remains the same, whereas the y-coordinate can be changed by pressing space key. To check whether the 'space' key has been pressed, isspace-function has been used. But, if the y-coordinate is already greater than 0, even if the user press space key, there is no effect on the y-coordinate of the green-bar.

On the other hand, the x-coordinate of both red-bars decreases with 20 pixels at a time.

If the x and y coordinate of green-bars matches with any one of the red-bars, it is the case of game termination.

The main task in this project(game) is the creation of obstacle. If code for each obstacle is written, then it would be a messy-code as it is required to check collision with each obstacles. So, I decided to reuse both bars(obstacles). Once the game starts, a x-coordinate is provided to the red-bars, and it decreases gradually. Then the point comes where the x-coordinate of first bar exceeds -800. In that case, the position of both bars is repositioned. This process gets executed again and again until the collision do not occur.

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