Password Protection Application Using Visual Basic 6 (VB6)

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"Password Protect" is a desktop application developed using Visual Basic version 6.0.  The main objective of this application is to save the passwords safely and make them available with ease. With easy use of objects and file handling (Random access file), this project can be beneficial for the beginner like me who loves to build mini but useful projects.   

Why I built this application? I possess a habit where I, in no time, forget password. Because of this habit, I have suffered a lot. Then, I thought an idea to build my own application. When this idea hit my mind, I was simply learning C programming language. Finally, since I reached the 3rd semester where I learned the basics of Visual Basic 6, I put forward my ideas and build this project. And, yeah! I am much excited to share my project with you. 

Features :

The features included in this project are mentioned below :

  1. Multiple user
  2. Password can be recovered.
  3. Prevents the data redundancy (email and password) while saving into the file.
  4. Data can be updated whenever necessary.
  5. Data can be removed permanently.

Objects used

For developing this kind of application, we need to have the knowledge of following objects :
  1. Form
  2. Frame 
  3. Label
  4. Text Box
  5. Image Box

Concepts description

Instead of command buttons, image and a label has been used to trigger an action. 

Log In and Sign Up

This application allows multiple user. While singing up, user need to add username, password, pin number and phone number. But in this version, user cannot be removed which I will be adding in upcoming version.

Forgot Password

To recover the password, the pin number and the phone number are required.  

Data redundancy check and saving the data

In this application, username, email, password, recovery email and phone number can be saved. So while adding new data, first of all, file is opened to check the presence of data with same values. Data redundancy occurs when a data with same email and password is present.

Showing values saved in a file

To show the data saved, I have used a text box. Whenever a line of data is read from a file, it is concatenated with the text present in the textbox. 

Updating the data

To recover the password, the pin number and the phone number are required. The values which is to be updated are required to be filled in their respective textbox, otherwise, leave the textbox values as it appears initially. If text box of phone number and recovery email address are left blank, then "Null" value is assigned to updated recovery email address and phone number.


How a data is deleted, read from a file and written to the file?

Here, in this project, I have used random access file, which allows to access data of any point randomly. Remember that the file index starts from 1 not 0 (zero). Before writing to a file, first, what we need to do is to count the number of content present in a file. Doing this eradicated the data loss problem.

Problem you may face while building the visual basic application 

When a form visibility is switched, it does not mean that the invisible forms are terminated. This causes issue when close button provided in the windows right top is pressed. It terminated only respective form and still runs other form being invisible in the background. To eradicate this problem, we need to terminate each and every form when a front form is terminated.

Some screenshot 

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